Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Hibernate in Windows XP

Microsoft chose to hide the "Hibernate" function in Windows XP. Here's how you perform that function without going through too much trouble.

Step1 Make sure all necessary programs are closed prior to shutting down. Hibernating will put all programs to "sleep," but some programs won't start up properly. Experiment after this to figure out which programs perform as intended.

Step2 Click on "Start" and navigate to "Shut Down."

Step3 You will see the Shut Down dialog box.

Step4 You will see three options--Standby, Turn Off or Restart.

Step5 Hold down the "Shift" key on your keyboard and "Standby" will switch to "Hibernate."

Step6 Click on "Hibernate" and your system will then go into Hibernation mode. It will take a few seconds to a few minutes to enter that mode, in which case your system will shut down.

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